Administrative functions of the teacher in curricular planning
Administrative Functions, Planning, CurriculumAbstract
The general objective in this article is. Analyze the administrative functions of the teacher in the curricular planning of the Bachelor's Degree in Preschool Education at the Regional University Center of Coclé (CRU). Theoretically, the variable was developed according to the authors Arboleda (2018), Cardona (2005), Ander-Egg (2007), Galindo (1998), among others. Methodologically, the paradigm of the complementation strategy was assumed with techniques, qualitative methods, the type of descriptive research with a field design, the population 30 facilitators, the information collection techniques, an informal interview was used, in addition, a questionnaire was applied. It contains 15 items with five response alternatives on a Likert-type scale always, almost always, sometimes, almost never and never. This instrument was submitted to validation by the judgment of five (5) doctors in education. Likewise, a pilot test was applied to obtain a very high coefficient of 0.84 according to Cronbach's Alpha. The statistical package SPSS Statistic version 18.0 was applied. The results were presented in tables and figures. It is concluded that planning almost never and sometimes the facilitators record in writing what is planned allowing communication, reflection for decision making of the task to be developed, planning is used as an administrative process for the predetermination of the activities to be developed with the results that must be obtained in the operations of a desirable future, in the administration of planning and uses the diagnosis to determine the organic structure of plans in coordination between the actors of the educational process.
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