Presentation and Editorial

  • KEYLA URBINA University Latina of Panama
Keywords: Editorial


The development of research constitutes a fundamental axis for the development of nations, which directly affects the quality of life of citizens. For this reason, investment in research, innovation and development is a priority, especially in developing countries.
To contextualize, at the Latin American level, research advances are still not satisfactory, understanding that universities make joint efforts to remain active in different research areas, creating spaces such as scientific journals that allow research to be viewed, strengthening the generation of knowledge in the different areas.
Therefore, it is essential to create many more spaces and activities that promote the generation and dissemination of knowledge, especially scientific journals, which constitute a window that contributes to the development and dissemination of new research.
As Gente Clave is a multidisciplinary magazine, it allows the presentation of the next 2022-2 edition in the following areas: economic valuation of environmental spaces, logistics, education focused on the design of virtual learning spaces and the attitudes of teachers in the math area.
Dr. Keyla Urbina


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How to Cite
URBINA, K. (2022). Presentation and Editorial. Key People , 6(2), 1-8. Retrieved from
Presentación y Editorial