Education in Biomedical Engineering, Educational quality, Perception of employers, Professional trainingAbstract
Before we start designing metacognitive andragogic strategies focused on continuously improve the biomedical engineer training in Panama, we must first identify the weaknesses and needs in order to justify the proposed actions. For this reason, the present study evaluates the perception of the biomedical sector about the biomedical engineers’ technical training in Panamanian universities, focusing specifically on the students’ ability to diagnose electronic problems. Through a series of exploratory-descriptive surveys, the perception of professional practice supervisors on the biomedical engineering students’ ability to perform an efficient electronic diagnosis in medical equipment was evaluated. This study is an important tool to determine the perception that employers have, both in the public and private sectors, about the technical skills that biomedical engineering students possess when carrying out their professional practice, focusing specifically on the students to diagnose electronic problems and how it is perceived by the technical staff who supervises them. As a result of the research, interesting data was collected that indicate clear opportunities for improvement to raise the quality and competitiveness in the training of biomedical engineers in Panama. One of the most relevant results in this research, is that 90% of technical supervisors consider that efficient electronic diagnosis is a highly desirable skill in the organization where they work. Finally, based on the perceived difficulties in biomedical engineer students to face technical problems, it is necessary to adopt new mechanisms that allow them to improve their training and develop their skills. The development of training courses is proposed, as well as the creation of a subspecialty within the career with a greater emphasis on electronics applied to biomedical engineering.
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