
  • VALERIA MENDIVES MBA en Negocios, con énfasis en recursos humanos. Universidad Latina de Panamá
  • TATIANA PALACIOS MBA en Negocios, con énfasis en recursos humanos. Universidad Latina de Panamá


Youth unemployment, labour market, recruitment factors, job attitudes., Youth unemployment, labour market, recruitment factors, job attitudes


The main objective of this project is to analyze the situation that many young people are experiencing, some organizations do not hire in-experience people, this situation affects all young people in Panama City, since they cannot develop their knowledge within the workplace. The reason for this project is to look for the factors, skills or attitudes that organizations need to hire young people in different positions they offer. According to the Office of the General Bank of the Republic of Panama and the National Institute of Statistics and Census until August 2019, the number of youth unemployment is 57.1% grouped between the ages of 15 and 29 years (Census, Labour Market Survey, 2019). The study was developed through the qualitative method, conducting content interviews with recruiters from large and medium-sized enterprises, categories were established to determine what are the main difficulties of young people when seeking employment. The results showed that 69.2% have a turnover of 6 to 12 months, recruiters expressed that the main reason for hiring without experience is that they are open to learning, among the factors that affect are, the difficulty of expressing themselves appropriately, lack of vocational training and emotional instability.


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How to Cite

MENDIVES, V., & PALACIOS , T. (2020). FACTORS THAT AFFECT THE RECRUITMENT OF YOUNG PEOPLE WITH NO WORK EXPERIENCE IN PANAMA CITY. Key People, 4(2), 32–59. Retrieved from https://revistas.ulatina.edu.pa/index.php/genteclave/article/view/140