• Juan Diego Vásquez Sousa Student of the school of psychology, Latina University of Panama
  • Lourdes Goicoechea nstitute of Research, guidance and psychopedagogical intervention, Latina University of Panama
Keywords: Attitude of parents, sexual orientation, gender, copying strategies, emotional shock


The advance of human society has led to create certain parameters involved in the culture, which determine the "right" or "normal" used to define or identify the appropriate behavior of each person. Knowing the attitude of parents to the situation of facing the possibility that a child breaks these paradigms and presents a different sexual orientation can cause certain reactions and thoughts that can generate in parents, fears or concerns when trying to visualize the future of their children inserted in a situation that compromises the cultural parameters associated with gender. This study is descriptive, not experimental, and transversal, the chosen population was formed by sixty parents of the Republic of Panama family residing in the West area, in the district of Arraiján, chosen at random. The results of this investigation are based on the analysis of the results obtained from the applied survey, this study allows to determine how the attitude of the parents is affected


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How to Cite
Vásquez Sousa, J. D., & Goicoechea, L. (2019). ATTITUDE OF PARENTS TO CHILDREN WITH DIFFERENT SEXUAL ORIENTATION. Scientific Behavior, 2(1), 16-26. Retrieved from