Presentation and Editorial
Research has become one of the most important pillars of the country's social and economic growth. Rigorous mechanisms have been developed, supported by the ethics of research for the search for causes and alternative solutions, feasible to carry them out, respecting the environment and international and national sustainability policies and sustainability of natural resources.
The pluralization of research publications has allowed the socialization of knowledge, thus allowing the fluid and updated exchange of information supported by the application of high-impact technological tools.
The articulation between education, research and technology will continue to be the vehicle that makes it possible to reduce the social and economic gaps that have traditionally marked the growth rates of countries. This integration also allows prospective studies to be carried out on the updates required by the education sector to respond to a professional and academic market with the skills currently required by society.
Let us continue betting on progress supported by education with high quality standards supported by research.
Dr. Mirna de Crespo
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