Neurochemistry, neuroscience, cognitive processes, production of knowledgeAbstract
This brief report aims to describe the influence of neurochemistry and the contributions of neuroscience on the dynamics of cognitive processes and the production of knowledge. Aspects related to the areas of the brain involved in these processes, neurochemistry and related pathways, the process itself of the elaboration of cognitive development and knowledge production, cognitive neuroscience, and neuro leadership were explored. Results: The release of neurotransmitters of the catecholamines type has a path through areas such as ventral tegmental, tonsillar nucleus, and accumbens. However, many other areas are also involved in rational information analysis. Conclusion: the phenomena that involve neurotransmission in cognitive processes, knowledge production, and related mental processes depend on the form of coding of neural activity, perceived as pleasant or nociceptive and even painful, which would affect in this case reasoning, adaptability, and, control.
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