Biomedical engineering, role of biomedical engineer, professional field in PanamaAbstract
The objective of this study is to evaluate the current status of the professional field of biomedical engineering in Panama through the analysis of its evolution in this country, the comparison of its current situation among other countries in Latin America and the valuation through surveys that show the level of satisfaction of qualified professionals in the field of biomedical engineering in Panama. The survey was conducted on a sample of 138 professionals. Based on the results, it was identified that the respondents are satisfied with the current role of the biomedical engineers in the Panamanian market place. However, they are not satisfied with the variety of job offers and the current salary expectation based on academic degrees and years of experience. In addition, they declare the absence of opportunities for graduate studies and believe it is necessary to strengthen the academic offer through the provision of infrastructure with equipped laboratories that facilitate the learning process in students. Accordingly with the literature review and the opinion of professionals, it is concluded that the field of biomedical engineering has grown positively in Panama, but it is important to review and adopt possible changes to the academic programs with the inclusion of infrastructure that incorporates equipped laboratories and the possibility of including graduate programs in this area of knowledge
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