• CARLOS CHÁVEZ SÁENZ Specialized University of the Americas. Panama City, Panama.
  • NELLY MELÉNDEZ Monteávila University. Caracas Venezuela.
Keywords: Graduation profile, competencies, Degree In Physiotherapy, DACUM methodology


The fundamental purpose of this research was to develop the competency-based graduation profile of the degree in physiotherapy. A non-experimental, descriptive, transversal, prospective and mixed field research was carried out. The study group was made up of students, graduates, teachers and workers in the area of ​​physiotherapy. Document analysis, survey and focus group interview were used as research techniques. The information was systematized through instruments such as an analysis matrix, ad hoc self-administered questionnaire with responses on a Likert scale, and a DACUM map with tasks and functions of the physiotherapist. Weaknesses were found: understanding of psychological aspects in the physiotherapist-patient relationship, knowledge of morphology-physiology, physiotherapeutic diagnostic formulation or assessment, management, participation and intervention in health promotion and disease prevention, integration of sports sciences, participation. In the management of innovation and/or entrepreneurship projects, preparation and presentation of a report and clinical file, and assertive and empathetic communication, the procedural competencies were the lowest with an average of 3.9. These findings were taken into account for the development of a graduation profile by competencies.


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How to Cite
CHÁVEZ SÁENZ, C., & MELÉNDEZ, N. (2024). GRADUATE PROFILE BY SKILLS OF A PHYSIOTHERAPIST. Key People , 8(1), 73-90. Retrieved from