Obesity, Prevalence, PanamaAbstract
The context of obesity in the Republic of Panama is worrying, seen as a collective health problem and therefore it was decided to analyze the prevalence of obesity in adults in Panama to more accurately measure the problem and seek the adoption of necessary corrective measures. . A systematic review associated with a research design is carried out in the form of an article summarizing the available evidence of a descriptive qualitative type based on research carried out on February 12, 2024 with all articles published in the National Library of Medicine (PUBMED); Virtual Health Library (VHL) and Google Scholar. Performing a filter associated with reading titles and abstracts, excluding articles that were not directly related to obesity or prevalence, or that did not have carried out studies with the population of Panama. Concluding that obesity is highly prevalent in the Republic of Panama with figures ranging between 35% and 19%, representing a collective health problem, associated with multiple factors, among which it is appropriate to mention unhealthy eating habits, little physical activity and a family-cultural environment that contributes to the problem.
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