• RAÚL I. ÁLVAREZ C. International University of Science and Technology (UNICyT). Panama City, Panama.
  • KEYLA Y. URBINA M. University Latina of Panama. Panama City, Panama.
Keywords: contingent valuation method, Omar recreational and cultural park, environmental education, urban green space management


The Omar Recreational and Cultural Park in Panama City is one of the most important metropolitan parks in Panama City. It is located in a highly urbanized area of Panama City; therefore, it receives a large number of daily visitors, who come to it for its facilities to carry out different sports and recreational activities. In addition, it constitutes a vegetal lung for the city, contributing to the sequestration of carbon from the combustion of hydrocarbons, and it constitutes a habitat for various species of animals. The purpose of this study is to apply the contingent valuation method as a tool for the design of management plans for urban green and recreational spaces, applied to the Omar Recreational and Cultural Park in Panama City. For the field data gathering, an instrument was applied using the Google Forms tool to a sample of 428 users, visitors or not to the park. Preliminary results showed a recreational use value of one dollar ($1) per person. The bequest value and required compensation can't be calculated. The contingent valuation method is shown to be a valid tool for urban green space management. Finally, the importance of redoubling the efforts of environmental education and awareness among the Panamanian population is evident.


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How to Cite
ÁLVAREZ C., R. I., & URBINA M., K. Y. (2022). INNOVATIVE APPROACH OF A RECREATIONAL SPACE. Key People , 6(2), 9-29. Retrieved from