• JULIO CESAR QUISPE MAMANI National University of the Altiplano, Puno - Peru
  • LIBERTAD VELÁZQUEZ GIERSCH Andean University of Cusco, Peru
  • CARMEN NIEVEZ QUISPE LINO National University of the Altiplano, Puno - Peru
  • MARIA ISABEL ALEGRE LARICO Andean University of Cusco, Peru
  • ADDERLY MAMANI FLORES National University of the Altiplano, Puno - Peru
Keywords: Tax collection, Institutional budget, Directly collected resortes (RDR), Taxes


The objective of the research was to determine the effect of tax collection on the institutional budget of the Provincial Municipality of San Román - Juliaca period 2009-2019, for which the descriptive and correlational methodology was used, with a non-experimental design. where the econometric model of the Log-Log type was applied. It was determined that the effect of tax collection on the institutional budget was positive and is explained in 127.37%. In addition, the effect of the property tax, the vehicle tax and the tax on games in the institutional budget were positive and explained in 113.03%, 117.45% and 113.51% respectively; demonstrating in this way that it obtained a larger budget to execute its current account expenses, capital expenditures and public debt, in order to improve its functions as a public institution and guarantee the social welfare of the population of San Román.


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