• SINUHÉ CARLOS GUARDADO LÓPEZ Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM).
Keywords: Decision, management, neuropsichology, organization, behavior


This review article contextualizes the way in which the Science of Administration conceives the process related to worker decision making. Management science believes that the decision-making process of the employee and organizations is conscious, analytical and rational. However, the advances in neurosciences and the influence they have had in recent decades on Behavioral Sciences result in a rethinking of the fundamentals of human behavior. The foregoing allows a debate to be established, by demonstrating that decision-making does not fully comply with the established assumptions. The objective of the manuscript is to present solid theoretical and empirical elements that confirm that decision making has neuropsychological bases, by understanding the functioning of the frontal lobes, the pre-frontal cortex and the performance of executive functions. The methodology used has a qualitative approach through documentary technique, based on the consultation of documentary and electronic sources. Finally, the present investigation evidences that the prevailing idea in Administration Science, regarding the only environmental influence in the decision-making process of a worker has been exceeded, it is necessary to have an integral vision of the worker's performance through an approach that consolidates the psychological and social aspect with its neuropsychological bases.


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