
  • Wilfredo Molina Wills Researcher at the University Latina of Panama


psichodidactic strategies, learning, autism spectrum


The objetive of this study is to describe the critical points of learning and the characteristics of psychodidactic strategies applied in the autism spectrum. Aspects such as principles of educational intervention in the order of priorities, motivation of the individual with ASD,self-management, intrapersonal processing and the development of emotional intelligence were analysed. Results: Have been observed several critical points to consider in autistic learning. Similarly, intelectual disabilityis a determinant in quality of life in this spectrum. The mediation of neural factors and their influence on the processes of habituation, sensitization, and learning by association, should be factors to consider in the selection of psychodidactic learning strategies.Conclusion: each learning strategy in ASD must meet basic  conditions of intensity, structure, organization, selectivity, specificity, and systematization according to each case


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How to Cite

Molina Wills, W. . (2022). PSYCHODIDACTIC LEARNING STRATEGIES IN AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDERS (ASD). Scientific Behavior, 5(2), 53–60. Retrieved from

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