• Melina Sánchez Universidad Especializada de las Américas
  • Yelixza Loc Universidad Especializada de las América
  • Lourdes Goicoechea University Latina og Panama


The research has a quantitative approach; the scope will be descriptive; a non-experimental cross-sectional study design was developed. The type of statistical sample is nonprobabilistic for convenience because the teachers meet the characteristics of the research, and the population is made up of 28 teachers (14 women - 14 men). The research is based on the transactional theory of stress and coping, developed by Lazarus and Folkman which defines stress as the interaction of the individual and the environment. Among the results obtained, it can be mentioned that the highest percentage of teachers presented stress levels in the range considered average, that the most used coping styles were the strategy of positive assessment and concentration on the problem; the level of psychological well-being reflected was 71.43%, that mean they feel satisfied with themselves and perceive themselves as capable of enjoying life.


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How to Cite
Sánchez, M., Loc, Y., & Goicoechea , L. (2021). STRESS, COPING STYLES, AND PSYCHOLOGICAL WELL-BEING IN A GROUP OF TEACHERS FROM THE SCHOOL GUILLERMO ENDARA GALIMANY. Scientific Behavior, 4(2), 13-30. Retrieved from