Attentional Networks and Mindfulness Techniques in English Language Teaching in Panama Oeste


  • Mitzy Mariley Marín Monterrey   Ministerio de Educación (MEDUCA)
  • José Rogelio Fung Corro  Investigador IIEES
  • Alexis De La Cruz Lombardo  Universidad de Panamá
  • Eric Magdiel Abrego Santana Ministerio de Educación (MEDUCA)


Cognitive attention, mindfulness techniques, English teaching, student motivation, active participation, innovative education


This study researches the effectiveness of attentional networks and mindfulness techniques in teaching English in Panamá Oeste, addressing the challenges faced by students in a heterogeneous educational context. The main purpose is to improve students’ attention and active participation through the implementation of innovative teaching strategies. A non-experimental design was used with five groups of approximately 150 students at basic to intermediate levels, applying mindfulness activities at the beginning of each class. The results showed a significant positive correlation (r = 0.991) between the practice of mindfulness and linguistic performance, with a significance level of p < 0.05. Although the differences in the means of the pretest and posttest did not reach statistical significance, a trend towards improvement in linguistic skills was evident. Additionally, a high percentage of students reported feeling more motivated and confident when participating in group activities. The conclusions highlight the importance of integrating attentional networks and mindfulness in English teaching, suggesting that these methodologies can enhance learning and the overall development of students.


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Author Biographies

Mitzy Mariley Marín Monterrey  , Ministerio de Educación (MEDUCA)

Magister en Educación con Especialización en Enseñanza de Inglés como Segunda Lengua (Departamento de Educación Superior de Massachusetts). Ministerio de Educación. República de Panamá.,                

José Rogelio Fung Corro , Investigador IIEES

Magister en TICs (ILTEC). Investigador IIEES. República de Panamá. 3765, 

Alexis De La Cruz Lombardo , Universidad de Panamá

Ph.D. en Investigación - Mención Ciencias Ambientales. Escuela de Biología de la Universidad de Panamá, CRU de Azuero. Doctor. República de Panamá.

Eric Magdiel Abrego Santana, Ministerio de Educación (MEDUCA)

Bachiller en Ciencias. Ministerio de Educación. República de Panamá. 


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How to Cite

MarínMonterrey ,M.M., Fung Corro , J. R., De La Cruz Lombardo , A., & Abrego Santana, E. M. (2025). Attentional Networks and Mindfulness Techniques in English Language Teaching in Panama Oeste. Finanzas Y Negocios, 5(1), 80–100. Retrieved from