Application of artificial intelligence in academic research: ChatGPT case

  • Daniel Román Acosta Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertadores.
Keywords: Artificial intelligence, academic research, ChatGPT, plagcis, Artificial Intelligence, Academic Research, ChatGPT, Plagcis


Artificial intelligence is a field of Computer Science that focuses on the design of intelligent systems capable of simulating the capabilities of human intelligence. It has a rich history and a promising future thanks to the contribution of many experts in the field, including McCulloch, von Neumann, Wiener, Pitts and Gardner, among others (Ramos, 2014). The purpose of the research was to evaluate the impact of using the ChatGPT artificial intelligence tool in the writing of scientific articles by undergraduate students, specifically in terms of quality, efficiency and originality of content. The sample consisted of 139 randomly selected and stratified undergraduate teachers to ensure representativeness from different countries and areas of knowledge. The methodology used was a quantitative approach, through which information was collected through an online form distributed to participating teachers. The environment or site where the sample was taken was the Platform for Social Action, Management and Research, located in Colombia. However, the teachers belong to different higher education institutions, both public and private, in the Latin American region. The design used was a cross-sectional study that allowed collecting information on current perceptions and experiences of teachers regarding the use of ChatGPT. The most relevant data indicate that effective use of this tool can significantly improve both quality and efficiency in writing scientific articles without negatively affecting content originality. In addition, participating teachers positively valued the use of this tool and recommended its implementation in future academic projects. Likewise, the research concludes that ChatGPT has a positive impact on university scientific article writing, improving both quality and efficiency. Participating teachers recommended its use in future academic projects, demonstrating the important role they can play in the effective implementation of artificial intelligence-based tools. These findings highlight the importance of effective use of artificial intelligence-based tools to improve academic research.



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Author Biography

Daniel Román Acosta, Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertadores.

Docente invitado Escuela de Sociología, Universidad del Zulia. Miembro fundador de Red de Investigadores Científicos de América Latina y el Caribe. Fundador de la Plataforma de acción, gestión e investigación social. Sociólogo, Estudiante de Maestría en Innovación Educativa por la Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertadores.


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How to Cite
Román Acosta, D. (2023). Application of artificial intelligence in academic research: ChatGPT case. Finanzas Y Negocios, 3(2), 41-61. Retrieved from