Curriculum planning to strengthen the competences of the graduation profile of the elementary level of the school region of Coclé of Panamá


  • Jehissis Sánchez Doctora, docente investigador en la Universidad de Panamá
  • José Capitillo Doctor, docente investigador en la Universidad Cristiana de Panamá.


Planning, Curriculum, Primary education


The article aims to understand the curricular planning to strengthen the competences of the graduation profile of the primary level of the school region of Coclé de Panamá. The support of the theoretical bases is raised for curricular planning according to Ander Egg (2010), Marsick (2018), Gómez (2017), and the competences of the graduate profile in the Ministry of Education of Panama Ministerio de Educación de Panamá (2019), Covey (2018), Casales (2020), among others. The methodological route is under the descriptive quantitative approach, non-experimental field design, transectional. The population census of (40) teachers was considered. For the collection of information with a questionnaire-type survey, containing 09 items. It was validated by five doctors in education, the reliability result was 0.82 according to Cronbach's Alpha, the Spss Statistic version 25.0 was applied, the information collected was grouped in tables and double-entry graphs where they were analyzed and interpreted the data. It is concluded that teachers almost never, sometimes use critical reflection to search for assumptions, evaluations and beliefs that underlie educational actions; sometimes and almost never, the teacher manages to dismantle the conceptual structure through an analysis, using deconstruction to find the meaning of curricular planning.


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Author Biographies

Jehissis Sánchez, Doctora, docente investigador en la Universidad de Panamá

Doctora, docente investigador en la Universidad de Panamá, Ciudad de Panamá. Panamá.                                             


José Capitillo, Doctor, docente investigador en la Universidad Cristiana de Panamá.

Doctor, docente investigador en la Universidad Cristiana de Panamá, Ciudad de Panamá. Panamá. 


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Pérez, J. (2017) Definición de deconstrucción. Encontrado en (



How to Cite

Sánchez, . J., & Capitillo, J. (2023). Curriculum planning to strengthen the competences of the graduation profile of the elementary level of the school region of Coclé of Panamá. Finanzas Y Negocios, 3(3), 73–88. Retrieved from