NIGC 1 as a pathway to obtaining an ISO 9001:2015 certification in an accounting firm


  • Carlos Pérez Silva Universidad Especializada del Contador Público Autorizado, Profesor Investigador,
  • Rogelio A Bouche C Universidad Especializada del Contador Público Autorizado, Profesor Investigador, Ciudad de Panamá, Panamá


Audit, Quality, Efficiency, Standards, Certification


This scientific article addresses the growing interest in the application of International Standards on Quality Control (ISQC) in small audit firms, a topic of relevance in current academic research. As the business environment becomes more globalized and complex, small audit firms face challenges in maintaining high-quality standards in their services.ISQC, designed to ensure integrity, objectivity, independence, and technical competence in audit services, has been widely adopted by large firms, but its implementation in small firms has been a subject of discussion and study. The main objective of the article is to analyze the benefits and challenges faced by small firms in implementing ISQC, providing insights through literature reviews and case studies.The research highlights the importance of focusing on small audit firms, despite representing a significant portion of the market. Understanding the factors affecting the implementation of ISQC in these firms is essential to improve the quality of their services and strengthen public trust in the auditing profession. The article explores key aspects such as training and professional development, investment in technology, and adaptation to regulatory changes as fundamental elements for successful ISQC implementation in small firms. Common obstacles are identified, and practical recommendations are offered to overcome them. Ultimately, it is expected that this study will contribute to existing literature, providing valuable guidance for audit professionals in small firms, as well as decision-makers in regulatory and academic fields. The effective implementation of ISQC will strengthen the auditing profession, foster confidence in financial reports, and contribute to the development of more robust and transparent financial markets.


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Author Biographies

Carlos Pérez Silva, Universidad Especializada del Contador Público Autorizado, Profesor Investigador,

Lic. en Contaduría Pública. Profesor. Investigador adscrito Centro de Investigaciones Financieras Contables de Panamá. Universidad Especializada del Contador Público Autorizado. 

Rogelio A Bouche C, Universidad Especializada del Contador Público Autorizado, Profesor Investigador, Ciudad de Panamá, Panamá

Lic. en Contabilidad. Profesor. Investigador adscrito Centro de Investigaciones Financieras Contables de Panamá. Universidad Especializada del Contador Público Autorizado.


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How to Cite

Pérez Silva, C., & Bouche C, R. A. (2023). NIGC 1 as a pathway to obtaining an ISO 9001:2015 certification in an accounting firm. Finanzas Y Negocios, 3(3), 8–28. Retrieved from