Optimization of accounting information management using the Power BI tool in the firm KPMG - Panamá
Optimización, Tecnología, Capacitaciones, Información, PanamáAbstract
Companies need to have personnel trained in the use of technological tools, since these are the ones that contribute to improve the operational processes of the company. Therefore, the purpose of this research proposal is to optimize the management of accounting information using the Power BI tool at KPMG. The theoretical foundation was based on the authors Flesler (2021), Martín (2022), López (2023), among others. For the design of the proposal, documents such as the official websites of Deloitte, Microsoft, Google, among others, were consulted. Methodologically, it is a research focused on the quantitative approach, being a exploratory study with a non-experimental field design. The expected results will allow determine the scope of the tool in the audit department of the firm KPMG and propose guidelines to take advantage of the Power BI tool in the management of accounting information. Likewise, it is expected to generate pertinent conclusions in reference to the research objectives raised.
Technology Training Information Panama
Flesler, D. (12 de Febrero de 2021). Auditool. Obtenido de https://www.auditool.org/blog/auditoria-de-ti/business-intelligence-para-auditores-utilizacion-de-power-bi
Google. (2023). Google Cloud. Obtenido de https://cloud.google.com/learn/what-is-business-intelligence?hl=es#:~:text=La%20inteligencia%20empresarial%20(BI)%20es,de%20decisiones%20estrat%C3%A9gicas%20y%20cotidianas.
KPMG. (12 de Marzo de 2023). Governance. Obtenido de https://kpmg.com/xx/en/home/misc/governance.html
KPMG Costa Rica. (2023). Nuestra historia. Recuperado el 12 de Marzo de 2023, de https://kpmg.com/cr/es/home/about/Nuestra%20historia.html
KPMG . (2023). Estrategia y Operaciones. Obtenido de https://kpmg.com/pe/es/home/services/advisory/management-consulting/estrategia-y-operaciones.html#:~:text=de%20sus%20empleados.-,KPMG%20ayuda%20a%20sus%20clientes%20a%20mejorar%20su%20desempe%C3%B1o%20estrat%C3%A9gico,transformaci%C3%B3n%20del%20conocimie
López, J. (2023). Idea Consulting. Obtenido de https://ideaconsulting.es/10-beneficios-de-usar-power-bi-en-tu-empresa/
Martín, P. (14 de Junio de 2022). iTop. Obtenido de Tecnología y negocio: https://www.itop.es/blog/item/importancia-explotar-datos-business-intelligence-bi.html
Microsoft. (2023). ¿Qué es Power BI? Obtenido de https://powerbi.microsoft.com/es-es/what-is-power-bi/
Nunsys. (2023). Nunsys Tu Socio Tecnológico. Obtenido de https://www.nunsys.com/soluciones/gestion-y-negocio/analytics/power-bi/
Redziniak, M. (20 de Abril de 2022). Ozein. Obtenido de https://ozein.es/power-bi-su-verdadero-potencial-para-las-empresas/#
UDLAP. (2023). Universidad de las Américas Puebla. Obtenido de http://catarina.udlap.mx/u_dl_a/tales/documentos/lad/garcia_m_f/capitulo4.pdf
Wikipedia. (12 de Marzo de 2023). KPMG. Obtenido de https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/KPMG
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