Financial management to optimize investment alternatives in service companies in the oil sector


  • Jesús Ramírez Universidad del Zulia. Licenciatura en Contabilidad. Maracaibo. Venezuela
  • Mariana Puche Universidad del Zulia. Licenciatura en Contabilidad. Maracaibo. Venezuela.
  • Blanca González Universidad del Zulia, Universidad Privada Dr. Rafael Belloso Chacín. Doctorado en Ciencias Sociales. Mención: Gerencia. Maracaibo. Venezuela.


Financial management, investment alternatives, service companies, oil sector, assets


The purpose of this research was to analyze financial management to optimize resources in service companies in the oil sector, in order to study the financial function of these organizations, through the analysis of investment alternatives that are currently being put into practice in These companies. It is supported by the authors Meigs et al. (2005), Brigham, E., & Houston, J., (2008). Pascale (2009), Santandreu and Santandreu (2000), among others. The research is descriptive, with a non-experimental, descriptive transactional and field design. The population was made up of companies in the sector with more than 5 years in the market located in Zulia state. The informants of the financial management of these companies were surveyed, obtaining as results weaknesses in the indicators, financial assets, fixed or real, and intangible assets. Likewise, it is recommended to carry out a study to see the possibility that the company invests in a fixed income instrument in order to generate extra income. Take into consideration investing in real assets, without leaving aside the threats of the environment. In turn, consider the opportunity to invest resources in the registration of your trademark and invest in the development of your goodwill to improve your competitiveness in the market.


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How to Cite

Ramírez, J., Puche, . M., & González , B. (2022). Financial management to optimize investment alternatives in service companies in the oil sector. Finanzas Y Negocios, 2(3), 25–41. Retrieved from