Incorporation of firms, associations and partnerships under Law 280 (2021) Myths and Realities.
Constitution, Laws, Accounting Firms, Law 57 (1978), Law 280 (2021)Abstract
With this research we studied the evolution of the incorporation of associations, accounting firms and corporations in Panama, what significant changes have been generated over the years that affect them in a positive or negative way. In addition to Law 280 (2021), the laws that have a bearing on the incorporation of accounting companies or firms were analyzed. Likewise, a comparative table was made where the pros and cons of this new Law 280 (2021) can be observed in a clearer way. This research is of a descriptive and documentary type, since the source of information used was secondary, using for such effects the Laws that regulate the practice of accounting in Panama. We must be aware of the importance of following the right steps and get advice from the right people in order to avoid making mistakes that could cost us time and money.
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