• Theojaris Far Gianopulos Student of the school of Psychology, Latina University of Panama
Keywords: Autism spectrum disorder (ASD), Early diagnosis, early intervention


The knowledge of the signs necessary for the early diagnosis of autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) of pediatricians in Panama is essential for early diagnosis. In Panama, there are no studies that have determined the level of knowledge about ASD among pediatricians. Material and Method: A total of 43 pediatricians from the province of Panama completed a questionnaire designed by Children.org, H. (2018), American Psychiatric Association APA-(2014),   The data was analyzed with SPSS (version 15). Results: We identified the 5 main characteristics needed, according to the pediatricians surveyed, for the early diagnosis of ASD in Panama. 95% of pediatricians find the lack of eye contact the most necessary, while only 2% find hallucinations necessary. Conclusion: Once the main necessary characteristics for an early diagnosis of ASD have been determined, an early detection guide or awareness program for pediatricians that can accelerate the detection process in children between 12 and 18 months can be generated.


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How to Cite
Far Gianopulos, T. (2019). EARLY DIAGNOSIS AND EARLY INTERVENTION OF AUTISTIC SPECTRUM DISORDER (ASD) OF PEDIATRICIANS IN PANAMA. Scientific Behavior, 2(1), 41-47. Retrieved from https://revistas.ulatina.edu.pa/index.php/conductacientifica/article/view/71