
  • Ana Rodríguez Student of the Bachelor's Degree in Psychology at the Interamericana University. Panama. Panama City, Panama.
  • Adriana Peña Student of the Bachelor's Degree in Psychology at the Interamericana University. Panama. Panama City, Panama.
  • Jarniusca Osuna Student of the Bachelor's Degree in Psychology at the Interamericana University. Panama. Panama City, Panama.
  • Janeth Robinson Student of the Bachelor's Degree in Psychology at the Interamericana University. Panama. Panama City, Panama.


Hysterectomy, benign, fibroids, endometriosis, adenomyosis


In this article, we have compared hysterectomy, a surgical procedure performed on women of reproductive age, as well as the various ways in which it can affect women since it is known as one of the most risky procedures for their health. , not only because it is a surgery, since it is also usually one of the most aggressive and riskiest approaches that a doctor can take towards his patient as a solution, with different alternatives existing.

It was observed, according to various sources, how this procedure can generate great physiological and psychological effects, during and after the procedure, presenting a series of symptoms such as decreased sexual desire, depression, anxiety, intestinal alterations, vaginal evisceration and other effects on long-term health.

Therefore, during this research it has been proposed to verify that there are other alternative ways to treat benign conditions in women in the reproductive stage. The objective of this study is to verify how providing this type of procedures without sufficient knowledge can generate a change and deterioration in the quality of life for patients.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez, A., Peña, A., Osuna, J., & Robinson, J. (2024). PSYCHOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF HYSTERECTOMY FOR BENIGN CAUSES IN WOMEN OF REPRODUCTIVE AGE. Scientific Behavior, 7(1), 26–33. Retrieved from