Music therapy, aromatherapy, audiovisual distraction, behavior management techniques, pediatric dentistryAbstract
The management of behavior in pediatric dentistry can be a challenge for the dentist, especially when considering the emotional impact that the experience can have on the child and his willingness to cooperate during the treatment. With the aim of identifying alternative techniques that can help control the dental behavior of pediatric patients, a bibliographic review of articles and scientific journals related to this topic was carried out. Materials and methods the bibliographic review was carried out by consulting specialized websites such as Google Scholar, Scielo and PubMed, in search of articles and scientific journals published between January 2010 and January 2023, regarding alternative techniques in the management of pediatric patients in the dental appointment. Results: three effective alternative methods were identified, such as music therapy, audiovisual distraction technique and aromatherapy. Evidence was found that these techniques can be useful to reduce anxiety, stress and fear in pediatric patients, which can improve their willingness to cooperate during dental treatment. Conclusion the alternative techniques identified must be selected and applied individually to each patient, they can be a valuable option to reduce the stress and fear of the pediatric patient, and improve their willingness to cooperate during dental treatment.
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