attachment, dyadic adjustment, ECR-RAbstract
This project is based on identifying the relationship between attachment styles and dyadic adjustment in young people and adults between 20 and 40 years of age in the country of Panama. The research has a quantitative approach, with a Transactional, non-experimental design. A non-probabilistic sampling yielded a total of 385 people; however, the sample was reduced to 100 participants. Once the participants met the requirements, they agreed to answer the experience in close relationships questionnaire (ECR-R), the Dyadic Adjustment Scale and the questionnaire for demographic data. The results reveal that in the sample studied, 46% of the population had a rejecting attachment, people with rejecting attachment have a positive view of themselves, but avoid intimacy because they distrust others, 41% have fearful attachment, they seek relationship and proximity, but with distrust and fear of being rejected, 8% have worrying attachment, they seek approval, they devalue themselves and idealize, In terms of dyadic adjustment, 82% showed no worrisome results due to the absence of clinical problems, 14% reported possible problems in dyadic adjustment, all of them are women, 6 of whom have a rejecting attachment style and 8 have a fearful attachment style, and 8% show a direct relationship between the preoccupied attachment style and the absence of clinical problems.
Barcelona: Ediciones Paidos Ibérica
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