Trail test -TESEN-, executive functions, psychology, neuropsychologyAbstract
The executive functions (EF) are part of the daily life of all human beings. And these same functions are what allow us to achieve and get our goals and dreams: we plan, organize, anticipate, inhibit inappropriate behavior, and pay attention among others. The Test of the Trails (TESEN) allows evaluating in adults those important functions on daily basis. We consider that within the academic sphere, the EF’s are crucial for the success or failure of the university process and it is for this reason that we decided to carry out research at the level of undergraduate students in order to know their strengths and weaknesses, setting a precedent for future research in the neuropsychological area in Panama. A descriptive study was used, evaluating the means of each area of the TESEN and then comparing them through graphs. We will know the variables and the most important distributions that the test yields, based on national data within a stable population. Conclusion: although the results cannot be extrapolated by the amount of the sample, we can indicate that the age groups of 40 years and older have better responses than the younger age groups, which reflects better skills in their executive function.
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