
  • Luis Gustavo Almaida Psychologist, Latina University of Panama
  • Ana Matílde Bieberach Advisor professor at the Latina University of Panama


Frustration, stress, anxiety, graduation, project


This investigation revolved around frustration. Its objective was to analyze the level of tolerance to frustration of 15 psychology students from the Latin University of Panama who studied the subject of the graduation project. It was decided to carry out this research because, when observing that students when faced with a situation that generates frustration, stress, or anxiety, they react in an aggressive or impulsive way, or simply leave the situation without knowing what to do, (the race, for example) because they find it difficult, or a job because they put a lot of pressure on it, etc. In recent years, a situation that generates frustration has become normal, instead of looking for tools to be able to confront them. The instrument used to collect the information necessary for the research was the frustration tolerance scale (ETAF) made by Hidalgo N. and Soclle F. (2011) in Lima, which is composed of 4 dimensions with a distribution of 28 items, that total the sum of all dimensions. The results showed that only a quarter of the sample can face any situation that generates frustration, stress, among others. A little more than half of the sample is at a medium level, and although they could cope with some situation that generates frustration, in others they may be left out. And finally, 33% of the sample remained at a low level of tolerance to frustration, which is very worrying, since these individuals are characterized by wanting to fulfill their wishes at all costs, giving up quickly when they fail to achieve their goals now, they are usually very immature in carrying out activities.


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How to Cite

Luis Gustavo Almaida, & Ana Matílde Bieberach. (2020). LEVEL OF TOLERANCE TO FRUSTRATION IN STUDENTS CURSING THE SUBJECT GRADUATION PROJECT FOR THE BACHELOR OF PSYCHOLOGY AT THE ULAT. Scientific Behavior, 3(2), 40–57. Retrieved from https://revistas.ulatina.edu.pa/index.php/conductacientifica/article/view/148