• Marisela Yaneika Vaca Díaz Student of the School of Psychology, Universidad Latina de Panamá - Chitré
Keywords: Mental health, cancer, diagnosis, seniors, metastasis, quality of life


Cancer is a disease that causes a profound impact on the lives of those who are diagnosed and their immediate surroundings. Having cancer is often associated with significant deterioration in physical and functional status, but also emotionally and socially. The impact of cancer is reflected in the mental health of the sufferer and their relatives, can cause stress, economic problems, and widespread suffering. People with cancer must deal with the uncertainty related to life or death. This research is descriptive, cross-sectional, non-experimental, the population chosen was made up of 15 senior citizens who face a diagnosis of cancer residents of the district of La Villa in the Province of Los Santos chosen randomly. The results of this research are based on the analysis of the results obtained from the applied survey, this study allows to determine the affectation in the mental health of the elderly people who suffer from cancer


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How to Cite
Marisela Yaneika Vaca Díaz. (2020). MENTAL HEALTH BEFORE A CANCER DIAGNOSIS IN PATIENTS OF THE THIRD AGE OF LA VILLA DE LOS SANTOS. Scientific Behavior, 3(1), 43-56. Retrieved from