

Social Psychology, Identity, Higher Education


The interest that exists to find oneself has increased today. An explanation of the phenomenon of identity can be found in the accelerated and profound changes that many of the countries of the Earth are suffering in our days. These modifications are multidimensional and they involve many factors, including political, economic and social factors. Therefore, the objective of analyzing the search for identity and its relationship with higher education in Mexico was raised. Among the authors who supported the research are objectives (Rodríguez, 2016), Asch, 2005). With a qualitative paradigm where previous research on Mexican identity in the context of higher education is analyzed, the study is retrospective, observational and transversal. Now, it is paradoxical that living in "civilized" countries where there is access to great scientific and technological discoveries, the subjects are faced with identity problems, that try to solve them by joining groups or associations that allow them to reflect on themselves or feel belonging to something, that is, having a social identity, understood as a mental construction that creates society in individuals to achieve goals and personalize. Therefore, among the results obtained is the membership of Mexican society through values, customs, history, traditions, etc., elements that should be included in the curricula at different educational levels, emphasizing higher education institutions. Among the final considerations, the connotations associated with identity are mentioned, as well as the social comparisons in terms of attributes both within the group itself and in relation to others.


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How to Cite

Matus García, G. L. ., & Matus García, E. del C. . (2019). WHO AM I? THE SEARCH OF IDENTITY AND THE HIGHER EDUCATION IN MEXICO. Scientific Behavior, 2(2), 78–87. Retrieved from https://revistas.ulatina.edu.pa/index.php/conductacientifica/article/view/105