About load / over effort, primary caregiver, degenerative diseases, affective bondAbstract
Becoming a primary caregiver leads to a series of adaptations that involve personal, family, social and economic changes. The objective of this research is to diagnose the factors that determine effort and overload of primary caregivers of patients with degenerative diseases, cerebrovascular, terminal and elderly with special care, in the district of San Miguelito, Panama. It is a research with exploratory purposes, based on a quantitative methodology, descriptive, cross-sectional and observational type, applied in a population of SADI caregivers of which a random sample of 52 subjects was chosen for the study of overload and 58 for the effort. Two instruments were applied, the Zaritt scale of 22 items to assess caregiver overload and the caregiver effort index composed of 13 questions. A descriptive statistical analysis was performed and the Spearman correlation index of .034 was calculated, showing the relationship between effort and overload of caregivers. Results: the primary caregivers surveyed in the research present an internal overload, since 69% of them are above 55 points according to the values that are available for the application of this Zarit Test, with an additional 19 % of caregivers within the range of mild Overload, that is between 47 and 55 points. This indicates that 88% of the caregivers have some degree of overload, and only 12% of caregivers do not have overload.
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