• Lizbeth J. González V. Student of Psychology, Universidad Latina de Panamá, Sede David-Chiriquí
  • Marianela Jiménez Montiel Professor of Psychology, Universidad Latina de Panamá, sede David-Chiriquí
  • Zitny Torres Research Coordinator Sede David, Universidad Latina de Panamá
Keywords: Special Educational Needs, Stress, Emotional health, Intervention.


This project is based on analyzing the level of stress experienced by a group of mothers and fathers of families with children who have Special Educational Needs.The initiative arises because of the scarce documentation that exists on the subject in Panama, since most of the approaches are directed only toward the child who presents an N.E.E. or disability, while the state of emotional health of the parent is not considered within the intervention. This study uses the Mixed Model, of an exploratory type. With a non-probabilistic sampling that was composed of 25 fathers and mothers. The participants completed two questionnaires called "Solano-Beauregard stress questionnaire" and "Questionnaire to mothers and fathers of family". The results reveal that in the studied sample it is observed that all the parents punctuated a level of General Stress in the range Light (4%), Moderate (20%) or Severe (76%) in the same way the level of Affectation according to three areas: Muscular :( Light 52%, Moderate 16% and Severe 32%), Thought-behavior: (Light 28%, Moderate 28% and Severe 44%) and Internal Organs: (Light 36%, Moderate 20% and Severe 44%). The most relevant finding of this study has been the high level of Severe Stress suffered by parents of children with N.E.E.


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How to Cite
González V., L. J., Jiménez Montiel, M., & Torres, Z. (2019). LEVEL OF STRESS IN A GROUP OF MOTHERS AND PARENTS WITH CHILDREN WHO PRESENT SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS. Scientific Behavior, 2(2), 9-23. Retrieved from https://revistas.ulatina.edu.pa/index.php/conductacientifica/article/view/101