Innovation management skills implemented in the Community Action Boards of Valledupar Colombia


  • Luis Carlos Padilla Córdova Universidad Popular del Cesar
  • Janet Montero Morón Universidad Popular del Cesar


Innovation, Management skills, Community Action Boards


The main objective of this research is to analyze the innovation management skills implemented in the community action boards in Valledupar Colombia. Meanwhile, a documentary-type research methodology was determined, based on the bibliographic review of printed and digital sources. It was supported by authors such as Ruiz (2023), OECD and Eurostat (2019), Ramírez-Rojas (2018), among others. The promotion of innovation in the community action boards of Valledupar requires visionary leaders, capable of inspiring and empowering the community, as well as an environment conducive to the generation and implementation of new ideas. By strengthening the management skills of leaders and encouraging the active participation of all community members, Community Action Boards can become agents of change and contribute to the sustainable development of Valledupar. It is recommended to implement training workshops, implement idea contests, organize visits to other communities, encourage the use of technologies, as well as make alliances to improve communication and project management.


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Author Biographies

Luis Carlos Padilla Córdova, Universidad Popular del Cesar

Especialista en Finanzas. Magister en Gerencia Publica Universidad Privada Dr. Rafael Belloso Chacín., Docente en la Universidad Popular del Cesar.  Colombia 

Janet Montero Morón, Universidad Popular del Cesar

Especialista en Finanzas Publicas y en revisión Fiscal y Auditoria Forense. Universidad¨ Popular del Cesar. Colombia                   


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How to Cite

Padilla Córdova, L. C., & Montero Morón, J. (2025). Innovation management skills implemented in the Community Action Boards of Valledupar Colombia. Finanzas Y Negocios, 5(1), 48–62. Retrieved from