Auditing and data analysis


  • Carlos Pérez Silva Centro de Investigaciones Financieras Contables de Panamá.


Audit, Data Analysis, Technology, Accounting


Society, the economy and technology are evolving rapidly, which has led many professions, including accounting and auditing, to adapt to the new requirements of the digital age. Data analysis is based on the management of large volumes of information, known as Big Data or Data Science, which allows auditors to examine large amounts of information efficiently and effectively, providing deeper insight into processes, operations and transactions of an organization. This tool helps identify risks, anomalies, unusual patterns, and suspicious trends that could indicate fraud or errors. It also improves data quality, identifying incomplete, inaccurate or inconsistent information, ensuring conclusions and recommendations supported by reliable data. In this context, the intention is born to provide a broad and updated vision of this topic, specifically considering those key concepts, benefits, methods and analysis techniques and; challenges and limitations of data analysis in auditing, highlighting the value of this tool in the digital era, full of changes tending to leave tasks in the hands of artificial intelligence and thus identify relevant trends and patterns for risk assessment.


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Author Biography

Carlos Pérez Silva, Centro de Investigaciones Financieras Contables de Panamá.

Licenciado en Contaduría Pública. Miembro del Centro de Investigaciones Financieras Contables de Panamá. Profesor - Investigador.


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How to Cite

Pérez Silva, C. (2023). Auditing and data analysis. Finanzas Y Negocios, 3(2), 62–77. Retrieved from