Corporate environmental social responsibility, requirement or commitment?


  • ANA LAURA TORIZ CHONG Universidad de Panamá. Facultad de Administración de Empresas y Contabilidad. Ciudad de Panamá. Panamá.


Environmental social responsability, consumption, organizations, needs


At the befinning of the next year, the world population will reach a Little more tan 8 billion people according to the worldometer site; Panama contributes that amount with 4.3 million by the beginning of the same year. Through the years, the worldwide birth rate increase; as well as life expectancy is prolonged, all this with a consumption disaproportionate to the net population growth, the resources that guarantee the subsistence of the population from the envioroment are increasingly scatce, summaarizing then that the behaivor of population from the enviroment are increasingly scarce, summarizing then that the behaivor of population growth is sustains with natural resources that our planet cannot support. Much of this disproportionate consumption arises from the impulse that organizations carry out as part of sales strategies; advertising impacts directly in the purchase decisión of making the “ consumer society”; therefore, new groups of “sustainable custumers” whose policy is to do more and better with les, have forced this behaivor to turn their gaze to the enviroment, developing processes and actions to preserve an care for the enviromente, considering more tan eviromental standars, national and internacional is in favor of preserving the nwe generation of custumers.


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How to Cite

ANA LAURA TORIZ CHONG. (2023). Corporate environmental social responsibility, requirement or commitment?. Finanzas Y Negocios, 3(1), 72–83. Retrieved from