Analysis of the incursion of the digital economy in Panama and its impact on the accounting system.


  • INÉS SANTAMARÍA Universidad Especializada Del Contador Público Autorizado. Licenciatura en Contabilidad. Ciudad de Panamá, Panamá.
  • JENNIFER RODRÍGUEZ Universidad Especializada Del Contador Público Autorizado. Licenciatura en Contabilidad. Ciudad de Panamá, Panamá.
  • KARIS FLORES 3Universidad Especializada Del Contador Público Autorizado. Licenciatura en Contabilidad. Ciudad de Panamá, Panamá


Metaverse, accounting, digital economy, cryptocurrencies, BlockChain


This research will analyze the incursion of the digital economy in Panama and it’s impact on the accounting system. To achieve this, a mixed approach will be used which will include the review of literature and specialized documentation, news articles and interviews with professionals in the branch. Primary and secondary sources of information, such as government reports, normative documents, previous investigations, among others, will be analyzed. Several results of this research are expected. First, it is expected to get a clear view of the current state of the digital economy in Panama, including the adoption of digital technologies, e-commerce and the use of cryptocurrencies. Second, it is expected to identify existing legislation regulating marketing in digital economies in the country, and analyze its effectiveness in practice. Third, it is expected to determine how the commercialization and use of the digital economy have impacted the Panamanian accounting system, including possible changes in methods of recording, presenting and analyzing financial information.


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How to Cite

INÉS SANTAMARÍA, JENNIFER RODRÍGUEZ, & KARIS FLORES. (2023). Analysis of the incursion of the digital economy in Panama and its impact on the accounting system. Finanzas Y Negocios, 3(1), 52–71. Retrieved from